Precision Immunotherapy

Novigenix provides access to the LITOSeek™ platform to Biopharma partners and academic centers of excellence for the develop of new therapies within precision immunotherapy:

  • We help enhance product portfolio and reduce risk of drug development
  • We provide new insights into patients and subpopulations in clinical trial
  • Our solution is simple to use in clinical trials and routine medical practice for discovery and development of new therapeutic modalities
  • AI analysis enables a centralised approach providing better predictive data by identification of signals and insights in a wide range of clinical settings and demographics.

We deliver:

  • Immuno pharmaco-dynamics (ImmunoPD) response markers
  • Predictive biomarkers of response and resistance to therapy
  • Biomarkers for mechanisms of action and mechanisms of resistance
  • Discovery of safety biomarkers
  • Digital cytometry that overcomes logistical hurdles of flow cytometry and cytof

Application Case Study: ImmunoPD biomarkers and prediction of patient response to ICI treatment in metastatic cancer through blood-based transcriptomic gene-panels

Novigenix has developed whole-blood RNA-based biomarkers that address the unmet need in cancer therapy associated with the ability to detect early patient response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI´s), one of the most effective mainstay treatments of metastatic cancer.

ICI treatment is highly effective with durable responses that extend the survival of a proportion of cancer patients. It works by ´releasing the brakes´ put on a patient´s T-cells and harnessed by tumors for immune evasion, reactivating the T-cells to effectively fight disease. However, objective responses for this innovative treatment are observed in only about 20-50% of patients. There is, therefore, a significant need for ImmunoPD biomarkers that reflect early response to therapy, and predict which patients respond positively to ICI treatment and which would need additional combination treatment modalities.

Novigenix has developed blood-based RNA gene panels that effectively predict patients´clinical response to ICI treatment in advanced metastatic disease. The LITOSeek™ Immunotherapy Response Prediction application can be used to effectively differentiate responders and non-responders after the first cycle of treatment, accounting for the heterogeneity of immune status of patients at baseline. Future applications of the platform in Neoadjuvant and Peri-Operative settings are under development.